React Portfolio


Build and developed with ReactJS and Laravel with fancy design and Responsive in Desktop Or mobile.

VeriTru Project


An Ecommerce shop application build using Flutter SDK, we can find something we need here.

LoFo Project


A Streaming video web application like Netflix, Build with ReactJS and Laravel framework, and also Mysql.

Startup Project


A mobile apps build with Flutter SDK, here we can find food we want to eats, do u like pizza? hehe.

Startup Project


A Social Media Project, Build with ReactJS and Laravel with fancy design and responsive in dekstop or mobile.

Startup Project


A mobile apps build with Flutter SDK, here we can find of destination we want to go, i want go to berlin btw! hehe.

Startup Project


A website information about metaverse, build with ReactJS.



I'm Heical Chandra, a fourth semester student of Informatics Engineering study program from Jakarta State Polytechnic. I am a helpful person, always want to help others while I can do it, and I am very interested to learning new things to improve my abilities and skills. I have experience with many programming languages and frameworks such as React JS, Laravel, Codeigniter, C++, Dart, Kotlin, Java. I have interest in Web development, Mobile Development and also Artificial intelligence.

Send me a message.