Build and developed with ReactJS and Laravel with fancy design and Responsive in Desktop Or mobile.
A Streaming video web application like Netflix, Build with ReactJS and Laravel framework, and also Mysql.
A mobile apps build with Flutter SDK, here we can find food we want to eats, do u like pizza? hehe.
A Social Media Project, Build with ReactJS and Laravel with fancy design and responsive in dekstop or mobile.
A mobile apps build with Flutter SDK, here we can find of destination we want to go, i want go to berlin btw! hehe.
I'm Heical Chandra, a fourth semester student of Informatics Engineering study program from Jakarta State Polytechnic. I am a helpful person, always want to help others while I can do it, and I am very interested to learning new things to improve my abilities and skills. I have experience with many programming languages and frameworks such as React JS, Laravel, Codeigniter, C++, Dart, Kotlin, Java. I have interest in Web development, Mobile Development and also Artificial intelligence.
Send me a message.